Please note: The algorithm descriptions in English have been automatically translated. Errors may have been introduced in this process. For the original descriptions, go to the Dutch version of the Algorithm Register.

Matching vacancies

To support jobseekers in their orientation or job search, the Amsterdam municipality offers citizens an online matching platform as a tool.

Last change on 27th of November 2024, at 16:52 (CET) | Publication Standard 1.0
Publication category
Other algorithms
Impact assessment
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In development

General information


Social Security

Begin date

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Contact information

Responsible use

Goal and impact

To support jobseekers in their orientation or job search, the Amsterdam municipality offers citizens an online matching platform as a tool.

The jobseeker can create a personal profile, possibly with the support of the client supervisor. This personal profile consists of a number of topics: qualities, availability, taxability, motivation, interests and experience.

From this personal profile, the jobseeker can, for orientation, gain insight into potential jobs and professions that fit the profile and thus this jobseeker, including an overview of current labour market data on the professions/jobs.

The jobseeker can search the vacancies himself or create searches based on his profile or filters, with which the jobseeker automatically receives vacancies (with a notification via e-mail).

Within the online matching platform, jobseekers can search all online published vacancies in the Netherlands plus the vacancies that the municipality and UWV have acquired for them.

The personal profile can be viewed by professionals who support the Amsterdammer in orientating and finding work. After both the Amsterdam resident and the client supervisor have made the personal profile visible, the personal profile becomes visible to employers who have gained access to the platform from the Employer Service Point. The profile is not visible to other jobseekers.


Only data necessary for matching jobseekers to vacancies is used for matching. Special personal data are not used for matching. For the personal data, see the sample profile.

In the personal profile, questions are asked about:

  • Language: For language, only language proficiency is asked.
  • Load capacity: You are asked to indicate your physical capacity in relation to work. This does not ask for medical substantiation, but only for physical ability.

Human intervention

It is a practical method, if the jobseeker is not satisfied with the result, they can adjust it. It does not affect decision-making and/or service delivery from the WPI directorates.

The application is used by the jobseeker and the client supervisor for matching with vacancies, but searches can be adjusted by both. A jobseeker is not obliged to apply for a vacancy that has emerged from the match.

Level of human control:


Risk management

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Matching platform

The online matching platform is a tool used for the guidance provided under the Participation Act. Jobseekers are guided by a client supervisor when using the online matching platform. When using the online matching platform, the jobseeker receives a pre-filled profile with the data coming from the application, which is used for guiding jobseekers under the Participation Act. The jobseeker can then add, correct and/or delete data in the personal profile.

The jobseeker logs in, in the online matching platform. He receives a welcome page from the municipality of Amsterdam and starts with a questionnaire in which the jobseeker sees step by step what information is already known. The jobseeker can correct/supplement this information. This concerns information on:

  • General information/ availability
  • Experience
  • Interests
  • Qualities

Next, the job seeker will be taken to the homepage from where various activities can be done:

  • Sending / receiving messages within the online matching platform
  • Adjust / enrich the personal profile
  • Receiving tips on applying for a job
  • Orienting on professions
  • Searching for vacancies and making searches for new vacancies
  • Viewing the help function

Based on the personal profile, the jobseeker receives suggestions for possible professions/jobs. The jobseeker chooses whether to include them in his list of favourites.

The jobseeker can then see which vacancies are available and can decide to save searches so that the jobseeker automatically receives notifications when new, similar vacancies are available.


Agreement with supplier PinkRoccade Local Government, with Jobport being a subcontractor. This agreement includes a processor agreement.


Several (online) sources are used for matching jobseekers to vacancies. The information already available from WPI is supplemented with information/additions/changes from the jobseeker (see plate). Vacancy data: the vacancies available online are collected and deduplicated in the online matching platform, these are supplemented with the vacancies from the UWV (source: WBS) and employers can add vacancies themselves.

Technical design

Description of the system architecture

We receive data from one of WPI's applications and offer it for validation, to the job seeker. The data is processed in the application and used for the personal profile, searches and filters. The job seeker can customise the profile, searches and filters himself.


It is a practical method, when the job seeker is not satisfied with the result he can modify it.

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