Please note: The algorithm descriptions in English have been automatically translated. Errors may have been introduced in this process. For the original descriptions, go to the Dutch version of the Algorithm Register.

Candidate explorer job match (KVB)

Seeks suitable candidates with employment disabilities for employers

Last change on 17th of February 2025, at 14:17 (CET) | Publication Standard 1.0
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Kandidatenverkenner banenafspraak (KVB) (

Responsible use

Goal and impact

The KVB was launched in 2017 as part of the Participation Act. This law aims to ensure that more people find work. Including people with labour disabilities. With the KVB, employers can indicate on what kind of workforce they are looking for. They create a search profile and can then see if there are people with an occupational disability who fit this.


The KVB is a tool on for employers and intermediaries, such as employment agencies. It allows them to find suitable candidates who fall under the jobs agreement. These are people who cannot earn the minimum wage due to an occupational disability, but can do specific work.

Human intervention

Our staff monitors the use of the algorithm in the following ways:

  • Employers decide who from the list of (anonymous) candidates they would like to get in touch with. They then submit an application to our employer service point (WSP). A WSP employee then discusses with the employer what profile the candidate should meet, how many people the employer wants to speak to and on what timescale. An adviser from the WSP then links the candidates to the employer or intermediary.
  • If the 200 initial candidates do not turn out to be suitable after all, our advisor can also suggest people who have not been sorted by the algorithm.
  • Employers can also read the personal motivation or explanation that candidates can fill in themselves in free text fields. This information is not used by the algorithm, but helps employers and intermediaries get a better picture of a candidate.

Risk management

We ensure that we (remain) compliant with information security and privacy requirements. We do this in the following ways:

  • We continuously work on algorithm maintenance.
  • We comply with the Archives Act by deleting data that is not (or no longer) important.

Preventing discrimination in the algorithm
  • The algorithm does not use personal data such as name, address and age.
  • The profiles of candidates shown by the KVB are anonymous.
  • Employers or intermediaries decide which profile to proceed with. The algorithm does not determine this.



The KVB uses the following profile data:

  • education level
  • travel distance to the available vacancy
  • whether a candidate can travel independently
  • whether a candidate is available for work
  • how many hours a candidate can work per day
  • How many hours a candidate can work per week
  • what specific needs a candidate has (e.g. working alone, working with tools or work involving a lot of walking and exercise)
  • in which sector(s) a candidate wants to work

Technical design

The employer can specify in the search query the conditions a candidate must meet. The KVB then checks the extent to which candidate profiles fit these. Each answer scores a number of points. For example, if a candidate has ticked the same answers as the employer under 'availability' and 'specific requirements', that scores a lot of points. In the end, the algorithm shows a list of 200 possible candidates who fall under the jobs agreement. Profiles with the most points are at the top, profiles with the least at the bottom. The employer can then view the profiles and make its own choice.

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