Please note: The algorithm descriptions in English have been automatically translated. Errors may have been introduced in this process. For the original descriptions, go to the Dutch version of the Algorithm Register.

Civil Affairs eServices

Residents of Dutch municipalities can arrange various civil affairs processes digitally. To process simple declarations automatically, the system performs various checks on your recorded data in this Basic Registration.

Last change on 11th of June 2024, at 11:22 (CET) | Publication Standard 1.0
Publication category
Impactful algorithms
Impact assessment
Field not filled in.
In use

General information



Begin date


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Responsible use

Goal and impact

The calculation model checks your personal data. There are then two possibilities:
1. there is nothing special about it;
2. there is something special.
If there is something special, the application enters a waiting room.
From this waiting room, an employee checks the application.
The calculation model can never reject an application. The staff member rejects it.
Special circumstances are different for each application. But if, for example, you submitted a change yesterday and submit another change today, that is grounds for a check.


In practice, many applications turn out to be simple and without details. As soon as these applications/declarations are processed automatically, the waiting time for these is reduced. More time will then be left for the special and/or complicated declarations/applications the municipality receives. Complex situations will also be assessed faster and more accurately.
In both situations, you as a customer will be better served.
All this has a positive effect on the quality of the BasisRegistratie Personen (BRP). After all, the BRP is used by many organisations as a source for their own registration.

Human intervention

The algorithm assumes a positive scenario. This means that simple declarations and applications
are processed automatically. When a peculiarity occurs, the application/declaration is always checked by an
employee. The employee then checks the application/declaration himself and can process or
reject it. Rejection is an action of the employee, never of the algorithm.

Risk management

Applications submitted for scrutiny will be checked regularly to see if the rules can be adjusted.

Legal basis




After your login with DigiD, the system queries your personal data and compares it with set condition.

Technical design

Digital returns and applications automatically arrive in the municipality's BRP registration. For each
eService the method of processing: fully automatic or after an assessment by an employee.
The municipality can also choose a combination. In that case, an employee only assesses applications that (for example) have an uploaded attachment, or where the automatic checks give reason to do so.
The municipality can also choose to automatically process an in-municipal removals but
resettlements (a registration from outside the municipality) to be assessed first.
The automatic checks on persons and/or addresses will result in a warning to the employee, if necessary.

External provider

Centric Netherlands b.v.

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  • Residents of Dutch municipalities can arrange various civil affairs processes digitally. To process simple declarations automatically, the system performs various checks on your recorded data in this Basic Registration.

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    Publication category
    Impactful algorithms
    Impact assessment
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  • Residents of Dutch municipalities can digitally arrange various civil affairs processes with the municipality. In order to automatically process simple declarations, the system performs various checks on the personal list, the address and connected data.

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    Publication category
    Impactful algorithms
    Impact assessment
    Field not filled in.
    In use
  • Residents of Dutch municipalities can digitally arrange various civil affairs processes with the municipality. To process simple declarations automatically, the system performs various checks on the person's list, address and attached data.

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    Publication category
    Impactful algorithms
    Impact assessment
    Field not filled in.
    In use