Please note: The algorithm descriptions in English have been automatically translated. Errors may have been introduced in this process. For the original descriptions, go to the Dutch version of the Algorithm Register.
Signal Costumers
- Publication category
- Impactful algorithms
- Impact assessment
- Status
- In use
General information
Begin date
Contact information
Link to publication website
Responsible use
Goal and impact
The 'signal cost-sharing' algorithm indicates that something has changed that could affect the level of assistance benefit. This is about who lives in the home of the person receiving assistance. If someone in the house meets certain characteristics (such as age and studies), there may be housing costs (such as rent/mortgage or energy etc.) to be shared. This affects the amount of the benefit. The information on who lives in the household comes from the Rijksdienst voor Identiteitsgegevens (RvIG), and study information comes from the Dienst Uitvoering Onderwijs (DUO).
The purpose of this service is to give municipalities insight into changes at the address of people on welfare benefits or supplementary incomplete old-age pension (AOW) benefits. This is important because these changes can affect the cost-sharing standard and thus the amount of the benefit. The Intelligence Agency passes on information about these changes to municipalities. This allows municipalities to better determine whether there is a cost-sharing or joint household. This allows them, if necessary, to adjust the benefit in time to the new situation. It also allows municipalities to check whether the person on benefits has reported the change in address to the municipality, or whether this is new information.
The 'signal cost commuters' is part of the information service 'Samenloopsignalering'. See also algorithm 'Samenloopsignalering' which answers the general questions for this service.
This description only deals with the specific points of the 'Signal cost commuters'.
The algorithm ensures that municipalities only receive data from their own residents with social assistance benefits and where a change has occurred that may affect the cost-sharing standard. This protects citizens' privacy. An advantage of using this algorithm is that it goes much faster than if this has to be figured out per resident. This saves a lot of time for municipal employees. Also, fewer mistakes are made this way.
Human intervention
At the Intelligence Bureau itself, this algorithm does not involve human intervention. The algorithm executes rules devised by humans and is not 'self-learning'.
However, the Inlichtingenbureau does ensure that the processing process has gone well.
The municipality decides whether and how to deal with a change.
Risk management
Citizen privacy is a major concern. Therefore, a 'Privacy Impact Assessment' is carried out periodically to determine whether there are risks and what can be done about them.
Legal basis
Checking the application of the cost-sharing standard during the social assistance benefit is part of the Regularity Check on the social assistance. The processing of personal data within the framework of the information service 'Regularity Check' has the following basis(s):
Basis of processing RvIG
- Sections 3.1 and 3.2 of the Persons (Basic Registration) Act
- 651001 Authorisation decision of the Intelligence Bureau for municipalities and municipal partnerships
- 651002 Authorisation decision of the Intelligence Bureau
Basis for processing DUO (as a service falling under via the Minister of OCW):
- Sections 64(1)(i) and 68 of the Participation Act
- Section 45(1)(i) Income Support for Older and Partially Incapacitated Former Self-Employed Persons Act (IOAW)
- Section 45(1)(i) Income Support for Older Workers Act (IOAZ).
Basis of processing RINIS:
- DUO-RINIS processing agreement
- IB-RINIS processing agreement
Basis for processing IB:
- Article 64(3) and Article 68 of the Participation Act
- Article 45(2), IOAW
- Article 45(2), IOAZ
- Section 63, Work and Income Implementation Organisation (SUWI) Act, Section 5.24, paragraphs 1 and 3, SUWI Decree & Sections 6.2 and 6.6, SUWI Regulation
- IB-DUO cooperation and exchange agreement
Basis of processing Municipalities:
- Article 19a. (Cost-sharing co-resident) and Article 22a. (Cost-sharing standard) Participation Act
- Chapter 5 'Implementation' and Chapter 6 'Powers and facilities of municipalities' Participation Act
See also the Data Register Stichting Inlichtingenbureau (Processing Activities Act SUWI / Participation Act) on the IB website to be found via the following page:
Links to legal bases
Link to Processing Index
Impact assessment
The municipality's benefit file (A):
For this, see the Algorithm "Compounding General".
The demand file to RVIG (B1):
The response file to RVIG (B2):
Based on the BSN of the benefit recipient, RVIG provides so-called personal lists of all residents registered with letter or residential address at the same address. In addition to personal data of the residents themselves, these lists also contain some data (BSN, date of marriage and dissolution) of their blood relatives and relatives-in-law, being partner(s), child(ren) and parent(s). These data are processed to infer the relationship (blood or affinity) of the resident to the welfare recipient.
- BSN of benefit recipient (see also the other fields below)
- Category 1 (benefit recipient):
- Sex name prefix
- Sex name
- Date of birth
- Category 2 (parent 1):
- Category 3 (parent 2):
- Category 5 (marriage/registered partnership):
- Date of conclusion
- Date of dissolution
- Category 8(residence):
- Date of registration
- Function address
- Date of commencement of address
- Street name
- House number
- House letter
- House number suffix
- House number suffix
- Postal code
- Town name
- Location description
- Category 9 (Child):
The demand file to DUO (C1) :
The response file to DUO (C2):
- BSN known to DUO (Y/N)
- Education code
- Institution source number
- Enrolment sequence number
- Enrolment date
- Date of deregistration (date BRON minus 1 day)
The signal report to municipality (D) :
- Starting date cost sharing
- Signal status (L= Ongoing, E= Ended)
- GBA address/postal code/house number
- Reason for signal
Description of the mutation observed, which is the reason for issuing a signal to the municipality. A maximum of 1 reason is given per signal (previously there could be more).
The possibilities are:
- New registration address occupancy
- End of registration for address residence
- 27th birthday of non-student housemate
- 40th birthday of student co-resident
- Start of education
- Stopped training
If found, the following relationships to client can be listed for new and end of address residence:
- parent
- child
- partner (date from and date to)
- second-degree relationship
- joint child
- Number of non-student co-residents at address over 21 (including applicant)
Technical design
A. A municipality delivers a file relating to the current social assistance population to the IB monthly via the secure client portal. After each delivery, a processing report is published, listing any errors in the delivery;
B1: Each month, IB requests a fixed set of data on persons registered at the address of social assistance recipients aged 21 and older via a message link. This is done for all current benefits.
B2: RvIG returns a response message immediately after receiving a query message with data on persons who are currently registered at the same address as the persons supplied under B1. In addition to the BSN, these so-called 'person lists' contain other data (see Data).
C1: After receiving the residents under B2, IB sends a monthly demand file via RINIS (Routerings Instituut (inter)Nationale Informatiestromen) to DUO regarding the BSNs of co-residents aged between 27 and 39 for the purpose of student determination.
C2: DUO sends a monthly response file via RINIS to the IB with data on current and/or study enrolments completed up to a maximum of 1 year back in time of the persons questioned under C1.
D. The IB sends a monthly response file to the municipality with signals about changes in the situation at the address of benefit recipient(s) that may be relevant to the cost-sharing standard, and thus the level of benefits.
External provider
Similar algorithm descriptions
- An assistance recipient can only apply for assistance from the municipality where the resident is registered. For example, as a result of moving house, a person may receive assistance from several municipalities. Stichting Inlichtingenbureau (IB) informs the municipalities about this. The municipalities can then stop unlawful ongoing benefits.Last change on 11th of October 2024, at 8:40 (CET) | Publication Standard 1.0
- Publication category
- Impactful algorithms
- Impact assessment
- Field not filled in.
- Status
- In use
- A resident can earn extra monies when they start working part-time (part-time) while receiving social assistance benefits. The resident receives this reward - after submitting a pay slip - automatically through an algorithm.Last change on 17th of June 2024, at 12:11 (CET) | Publication Standard 1.0
- Publication category
- Impactful algorithms
- Impact assessment
- Field not filled in.
- Status
- In use
- Based on calculation rules, it is determined which standard should be applied for this resident. More specific information on this algorithm will follow.Last change on 25th of June 2024, at 7:08 (CET) | Publication Standard 1.0
- Publication category
- High-Risk AI-system
- Impact assessment
- Field not filled in.
- Status
- In development
- A resident who has been given a prison sentence and is trying to evade it is called a fugitive convict. These residents are not entitled to assistance. Municipalities must check this and, if necessary, stop the assistance benefit after investigation.Last change on 11th of October 2024, at 8:14 (CET) | Publication Standard 1.0
- Publication category
- Impactful algorithms
- Impact assessment
- Field not filled in.
- Status
- In use
- To determine whether you are entitled to benefits, the municipality uses decision rules. This supports the employee with advice on whether you are entitled to benefits.Last change on 18th of July 2024, at 15:05 (CET) | Publication Standard 1.0
- Publication category
- Impactful algorithms
- Impact assessment
- Status
- In use