Please note: The algorithm descriptions in English have been automatically translated. Errors may have been introduced in this process. For the original descriptions, go to the Dutch version of the Algorithm Register.

Signal benefit other municipality

An assistance recipient can only apply for assistance from the municipality where the resident is registered. For example, as a result of moving house, a person may receive assistance from several municipalities. Stichting Inlichtingenbureau (IB) informs the municipalities about this. The municipalities can then stop unlawful ongoing benefits.

Last change on 11th of October 2024, at 8:40 (CET) | Publication Standard 1.0
Publication category
Impactful algorithms
Impact assessment
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In use

General information


Social Security

Begin date

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Contact information

Link to publication website

Responsible use

Goal and impact

Each month, municipalities provide data on welfare recipients to the IB. These data are compared with data from other municipalities. Overlap may occur: this means that a resident receives assistance not only from his (current) home municipality, but perhaps also from another municipality. The IB informs both municipalities for which overlap has been identified about this. Municipalities can use this information to inquire with the benefit recipient or contact the municipality where the benefit recipient is also registered.


The algorithm ensures that municipalities only provide assistance to their own residents. An advantage of using this algorithm is that the resident gets what he is entitled to.

Human intervention

At the IB itself, this algorithm does not involve human intervention. However, the IB does ensure that the processing process has gone well.

The municipality decides whether and how to implement a change.

Risk management

Citizen privacy is a major concern. That is why we periodically check whether there are risks and what can be done about them. This is called privacy impact assessment (PIA).

Legal basis

Basis of processing Municipalities:

- Article 40 Participation Act

- Sections 64(1)(a) and 68 Participation Act

- chapter 5 'Implementation' and chapter 6 'Powers and facilities of municipalities' Participation Act

- Section 45(1)(a) Income Support for Elderly and Partly Incapacitated Former Self-Employed Persons Act (IOAW)

- Section 45(1)(a) Income Support for Older and Partially Disabled Unemployed Workers Act (IOAZ)

Basis for processing IB:

- Sections 64(3) and 68 of the Participation Act

- Article 45(2), IOAW

- Article 45(2), IOAZ

- Section 63 of the Work and Income Implementation Organisation Act (SUWI), Section 5.24(1) and (3) of the SUWI Decree & Sections 6.2 and 6.6 of the SUWI Regulation.

See also the Data Register Stichting Inlichtingenbureau (Processing Activities Act SUWI / Participation Act) on the IB website to be found via the following page:

Links to legal bases


Link to Processing Index



See the algorithm "Concurrent signalling" and the PIA "Legality General" for the data that are by default part of a signal.

Below are the data specific to this signal:

- BSN (Benefit Entitlement Partner)

- Concurrence code (showing what type of benefit it concerns)

- Start date of benefit period with another municipality

- Benefit period end date with another municipality

- Municipality code from which the GSD notification originates

- Municipality from which the GSD notification originates

Technical design

In a general sense, this information product for determining concurrence between the benefit period and a relevant situation follows the method described in the PIA Concurrence Signalling General. In this case, a comparison is carried out for each adult person from households entitled to social assistance with benefit periods that are known in the social assistance population facility. This facility contains all general social assistance, IOAW and IOAZ benefits provided by Dutch municipalities.

If the benefit recipient is known to receive a benefit from another municipality whereby the benefit period (partially) overlaps, this is known as concurrence and a concurrence signal is issued to both municipalities. A signal is made only from the moment the last benefit start date is more than 35 days ago. This "waiting period" of 35 days prevents unnecessary signals, as the leaving municipality still needs time to administratively terminate a benefit and make this known to the IB via the monthly StUF delivery.

The data processing flows:

A. A municipality delivers a file relating to the current social assistance population to the IB monthly via the secure customer portal. After each delivery, a processing report is published, listing any errors in the delivery;

B. (temporary) storage of delivered BSN and corresponding signals in the social assistance population provision (client tracking provision);

C. Every month, provided the municipality has set this up, a signal report is published on the portal with a total overview of the signals of the current population.

External provider

Internally developed

Similar algorithm descriptions

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    Last change on 11th of October 2024, at 8:14 (CET) | Publication Standard 1.0
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    Impactful algorithms
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    Impactful algorithms
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    Impactful algorithms
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    Impact assessment
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    Publication category
    Impactful algorithms
    Impact assessment
    In use