Please note: The algorithm descriptions in English have been automatically translated. Errors may have been introduced in this process. For the original descriptions, go to the Dutch version of the Algorithm Register.

Signal detention (including detention abroad)

The algorithm reveals whether a person who is in a penitentiary is receiving welfare benefits at the same time. If so, a signal is sent to the municipality.

Last change on 5th of July 2024, at 8:38 (CET) | Publication Standard 1.0
Publication category
Impactful algorithms
Impact assessment
Field not filled in.
In use

General information


Social Security

Begin date

Field not filled in.

Contact information

Link to publication website

Responsible use

Goal and impact

A person confined in a penitentiary is not entitled to social assistance benefits. Municipalities have the duty to check this and, where appropriate, stop the social assistance benefit after investigation. The Intelligence Bureau informs the municipality if a resident on social assistance benefits is imprisoned in a penitentiary institution. This is done with information from the Judicial Institutions Department (Dienst Justitiële Inrichting, DJI) and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (BuZa).


The algorithm ensures that a municipality only receives the data of their residents on welfare benefits who are in detention. This protects citizens' privacy. An advantage of using this algorithm is that dividing up the national list is much faster than if done by hand. This saves a lot of time for municipal employees. Also, fewer mistakes are made this way.

Human intervention

At the Intelligence Bureau itself, this algorithm does not involve human intervention. However, the Intelligence Bureau does ensure that the processing process has been carried out properly.

The municipality decides whether and how to implement a change.

Risk management

Citizen privacy is a major concern. That is why we periodically check whether there are risks and what can be done about them. This is called privacy impact assessment (PIA).

Legal basis

Article 13(1)(a) of the Participation Act describes that there is no right to assistance for those who have been deprived of their freedom by right.

Basis processing Judicial Institutions Service (as a service under the Minister of V&J):

  • Articles 64(1)(k) and (12) and 68 of the Participation Act
  • Section 45(1)(k) and (11) Income Support for Older and Partially Disabled Former Self-Employed Persons Act (IOAW)
  • Section 45(1)(k) and (11) of the Income Support for Older Workers Act (IOAZ).

Basis processing Ministry of Foreign Affairs:

  • Sections 64(13) and 68 of the Participation Act.

Basis processing Intelligence Agency:

  • Sections 64(3) and (13) and 68 of the Participation Act
  • Article 45(2) and (11) IOAW
  • Section 45(2) and (11) IOAZ
  • Section 63 Work and Income Implementation Structure Act (SUWI), Section 5.24(1) and (3), SUWI Decree & Sections 6.2 and 6.6 SUWI Regulation
  • IB-BuZa cooperation and exchange agreement

Basis for processing Municipalities:

  • Section 13(1)(a) of the Participation Act.
  • Chapter 5 'Implementation' and Chapter 6 'Powers and facilities of municipalities' Participation Act

Links to legal bases


Link to Processing Index

Privacy en burgers (



On a daily basis, the Judicial Institutions Department (DJI) provides a file of persons newly committed to Dutch penitentiary institutions. The file contains BSN, start date (date of confinement) and a DT code of the penitentiary concerned.

For foreign detention, a source file is supplied monthly by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. This file contains BSN and Detention Date (the date of commencement of detention at the penitentiary).

Municipalities supply the BSN of the current social assistance population on a monthly basis.

Technical design

A. The Intelligence Bureau receives daily from the Judicial Institutions Department (DJI) a file of persons with the date of incarceration, supplemented by the DT code of the penitentiary concerned.

B. The Intelligence Bureau receives a file once a month from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (BuZa) with new detentions abroad.

C. A municipality provides a monthly file on the current social assistance population.

D. The information received by DJI and BuZa is used to compare whether the BSN appears in the National Assistance Population Database of the Intelligence Bureau.

E. If a citizen has an assistance benefit and is detained then a signal is created and stored. Municipalities can then take these signals about their residents from the Intelligence Bureau.

External provider

Internally developed

Similar algorithm descriptions

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