Please note: The algorithm descriptions in English have been automatically translated. Errors may have been introduced in this process. For the original descriptions, go to the Dutch version of the Algorithm Register.

Wage value measurements

If an employer hires an employee covered by a certain law, that employer can receive a subsidy. For this, the municipality must determine the employee's wage value.

Last change on 22nd of August 2024, at 12:28 (CET) | Publication Standard 1.0
Publication category
Impactful algorithms
Impact assessment
In use

General information


Social Security

Begin date


Contact information

Link to publication website

Link to source registration

Responsible use

Goal and impact


  • Making it easier for employers and jobseekers to find each other;
  • make it easier for employers to hire people with occupational disabilities;
  • make work attractive for people with occupational disabilities (e.g. through increased income) and
  • getting people with disabilities into work for longer periods of time.

  • Impact:The subsidy to support an employer with wage costs are compensated up to 70% of the legal minimum wage, based on an employee's wage value.


Advantages: With the system, there is a record of the wage-value calculation that can be compared with similar jobs. The calculation is required by law and will have to be carried out anyway, whether manually in an excel or via Dariuz. Dariuz does not carry out the wage-value measurement only for the Rotterdam municipality and therefore has a lot of expertise in house to do the wage-value measurement.

Disadvantages: The municipality keeps the data via an external company. Agreements have been made with the external company about this.

Human intervention

The software is diagnostic in nature and subject to assessment by an official before making the decision.

Risk management

  • Users complete the questionnaire as they see fit.
  • The additional module can be used additionally. when this is done, it should never be leading.

Legal basis

Participation Act

Links to legal bases

Besluit loonkostensubsidie Participatiewet 2021:

Impact assessment

  • Impact Assessment Mensenrechten en Algoritmes (IAMA)
  • Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA)



Field not filled in.

Technical design

If an employer hires an employee who falls under the Participation Act or so-called Wajong, the municipality can obtain a subsidy or wage dispensation through the state. A condition for this subsidy is that the wage value of this employee is determined. This is called the "uniform wage value determination". The municipality uses a programme from the supplier Dariuz for this purpose.

A wage value determination involves determining how valuable an employee's work is with an employer. Both employee and employer have a say in this.

To determine the wage value, we first look at the employee's main tasks. It then looks at the performance required to perform a main task. Once calculated, the wage value is rounded to whole percentages.

Article 6 of the Participation Act describes exactly how a wage value measurement works. The UWV may indicate that an employee is in the target group register. The UWV may also suspect reduced wage value, seen from the employer, employee or a job or team coach involved. The coach is employed by the municipality.

A wage value expert plays an important role in wage value determination. This expert;

  • determines the content of a standard job
  • determines the performance per main task
  • calculates the total
  • records everything in a report

The board of mayor and alderman determines the quality requirements to be met by a payroll value expert. The wage valuation expert functions independently.

The wage-value expert performs the wage-value measurement. Usually, a wage-value expert is specially trained to do this. He or she looks at the time the employee needs to perform the tasks, the pace of work, the quality of the work completed, and what the net working time is. Furthermore, the employee, employer and, in some cases, the job coach fill in a questionnaire.

All the collecting data are entered into Dariuz. Based on this, a recommendation for the wage value comes out of Dariuz. The job coach ultimately takes the decision on the level of the wage value. The employee receives a letter about this. An employee can always object to this decision. The letter explains exactly how an employee can submit this objection.

External provider


Similar algorithm descriptions

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    Other algorithms
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    Publication category
    Impactful algorithms
    Impact assessment
    In use
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    Publication category
    Other algorithms
    Impact assessment
    Field not filled in.
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    Publication category
    Impactful algorithms
    Impact assessment
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    In use