Please note: The algorithm descriptions in English have been automatically translated. Errors may have been introduced in this process. For the original descriptions, go to the Dutch version of the Algorithm Register.

Scheveningen Harbour registration system

The algorithm works on the basis of camara images and detects vessel type, speed, and time of entry and exit. Also generates an alert at high speed and night passage.

Last change on 16th of August 2024, at 9:52 (CET) | Publication Standard 1.0
Publication category
Impactful algorithms
Impact assessment
In use

General information


Public Order and Safety

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Responsible use

Goal and impact

Strengthening the information position of the Scheveningen Port for better port management and being informed more effectively and faster about high-speed shipping movements or night passages through a signal function in the system.

The impact on citizens and companies is very small because the data used cannot be traced back to individuals.


As the camera images cannot be traced back to individuals and no personal data is used in the algorithm, there are no disadvantages in this respect. Operators in the port get better information about boat activities in the port area, which helps in the consideration for effective deployment of surveillance and enforcement.

Human intervention

The system only has a signalling function and is an additional source of information for port operators. Operators at the Control Centre see the outcome and make annotations to it.

Risk management

The risk level of deploying this algorithm has been assessed as 'low'. Because camera images are used, the following safeguards are in place: - The cameras and images used are at such a distance that individuals cannot be identified. - The camera images are also blurred as an additional safeguard. Because of these safeguards, the impact of the algorithm on citizens and companies is very small, as the data used cannot be traced back to individuals.

The Harbour Master can remove erroneous detections from the system, based on which the algorithm is adjusted.

Legal basis

The Port Authority is responsible for supervision and management of the port in areas such as safety and regulation of shipping. The basis for this lies in the Shipping Traffic Act. The algorithm and the information resulting from it enable the Harbour Master and operators to perform these tasks better and more efficiently. The particularisation of the Act is described in the Scheveningen Port Regulation The Hague 2023. The harbour regulations contain rules for shipping and how people must behave (on ships) in the harbour.

Elaboration on impact assessments

A DPIA has been carried out. This has a positive opinion from the Data Protection Officer. The conclusion from the DPIA is that the use of cameras poses minor risks to the privacy of data subjects.

An IAMA has also been carried out.

Impact assessment

  • Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA)
  • Impact Assessment Mensenrechten en Algoritmes (IAMA)



Classification ship types.

Technical design

The registration system deployed by Scheveningen Port automatically recognises and records boating traffic in the port. This is done by an intelligent video system that works with AI (machine learning). The AI recognises the vessel type and the system also records the date, time and sailing direction at the same time. It also detects speed and night-time passages, as these are linked to potentially suspicious shipping movements. The Port Authority's colleagues keep an overall record of activities in the port in a dashboard. This is an innovative system that will enhance Port Management in Scheveningen.

External provider

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    Publication category
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