Please note: The algorithm descriptions in English have been automatically translated. Errors may have been introduced in this process. For the original descriptions, go to the Dutch version of the Algorithm Register.

Road inspection - Kiwa KOAC

Inspection of provincial roads using LiDAR or laser technology. Using these techniques, the road section can be scanned in great detail and all unevenness highlighted. From this, the algorithm selects damage images on the basis of which the province will see what maintenance is needed here.

Last change on 5th of February 2025, at 9:11 (CET) | Publication Standard 1.0
Publication category
Other algorithms
Impact assessment
Field not filled in.
In use

General information



Begin date


Contact information

Responsible use

Goal and impact

The purpose of this algorithm is to make the maintenance of provincial roads more efficient. By applying this algorithm, the status of roads can be better monitored than by visual inspection. Also, the progression of damage will be better mapped, making predictive maintenance possible. This will result in well-maintained roads and fewer disruptive inspections.


The choice to apply the algorithm was made mainly on the basis of the developer's explanation of the algorithm, its use by other government agencies and the efficiency benefits explained. It was weighed up whether the market position gained by Kiwa KOAC, by being the only provider of these systems, outweighed the benefits of using this algorithm, with more importance given to the latter benefit in this case.

Human intervention

The output of this algorithm is interpreted by the manager, who asks an inspector to verify the damage images. Only after this is done is a decision made on the next steps regarding actual maintenance.

Risk management

The risks in using this algorithm relate to the accuracy of the algorithm and therefore the size of the data. Because so much data is extracted which all needs to be interpreted and verified, this can be counterproductive and lead to capacity problems. This risk is mitigated by physical verification by the inspector.

Legal basis

Roads Act/CROW146a



The data used by the algorithm are the scans made. These scans are compared by the algorithm with (test) data from Rijkswaterstaat.

Technical design

Kiwa KOAC's trucks scan provincial roads every other year. Based on this reading (using LiDAR or laser technology), the algorithm gives output with damage images and other unevenness in the road sections.

External provider


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