Please note: The algorithm descriptions in English have been automatically translated. Errors may have been introduced in this process. For the original descriptions, go to the Dutch version of the Algorithm Register.
RISM inspection
- Publication category
- Other algorithms
- Impact assessment
- Field not filled in.
- Status
- In use
General information
Begin date
Contact information
Responsible use
Goal and impact
The aim of this algorithm is to make inspections for the purpose of road safety as efficient as possible. This has the desired result of increasing road safety and doing so as efficiently as possible with fewer obstacles for road users.
Although the goal of this algorithm is to make inspections more efficient, interpreting the results is challenging. Choices have to be made in what is an obstacle and what is not.
Human intervention
The output of the algorithm reflects the facts. The output is interpreted and assessed by an expert from Royal HaskoningDHV, after which the expert forwards the findings to the Province in an advisory report. The Province itself then assesses whether, and where, any obstacles need to be removed.
Risk management
No automatic decisions are made by the algorithm, they are made only based on the advice of an expert. So there is a double verification of output here. Although number plates may be visible when video footage is taken, these are blurred by Geomaat. These images are not owned by the Province and the number plates present are not visible in the output obtained by the Province.
Legal basis
Roads Act
The data used by the algorithm are LiDAR and camera images which together give a picture of the roads and the immediate surroundings.
Technical design
When a call for inspection is issued, cars with the necessary equipment are driven over the provincial roads to make recordings. These recordings are converted into detailed three-dimensional models of the roads and surrounding relevant areas. In these, the algorithm can recognise and mark obstacles within the obstacle-free zone. This output data is delivered to an expert from Royal HaskoningDHV. The expert evaluates the marked obstacles and delivers the findings in a report. The Province uses this report to intervene and remove obstacles if necessary.
External provider
Similar algorithm descriptions
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- Publication category
- Other algorithms
- Impact assessment
- Field not filled in.
- Status
- In use
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- Publication category
- Other algorithms
- Impact assessment
- Field not filled in.
- Status
- In use
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- Publication category
- Other algorithms
- Impact assessment
- Field not filled in.
- Status
- In use
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- Publication category
- Other algorithms
- Impact assessment
- Status
- Out of use
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- Publication category
- Impactful algorithms
- Impact assessment
- Status
- In use