Please note: The algorithm descriptions in English have been automatically translated. Errors may have been introduced in this process. For the original descriptions, go to the Dutch version of the Algorithm Register.

Supervision and enforcement of fireworks

By being able to enforce fireworks nuisance in a better and more targeted way, we can properly enforce the General Local Bye-Law (APV).

Last change on 12th of July 2024, at 9:41 (CET) | Publication Standard 1.0
Publication category
Impactful algorithms
Impact assessment
DPIA, ...
In use

General information


Public Order and Safety

Begin date


Contact information

Responsible use

Goal and impact

More targeted deployment of enforcers for the liveability of public spaces with regard to fireworks nuisance as compliance with the General Local Bye-Law (APV)


Results Uthic Assessment: tackling fireworks nuisance allows us to carry out our legal duty in the right way and this contributes to the value Power Relations. This only gives us a signal and the action perspective for enforcers to explore the situation on site. By doing so, we provide enforcers with targeted information for enforcement, and increase their freedom of choice and contribute to the value Autonomy. Better and more targeted enforcement on fireworks nuisance contributes to safer and healthier conditions for residents of these homes. In doing so, we contribute to the value Safety and Health. In addition, we know that fireworks nuisance has a relatively high impact on certain vulnerable groups in the city, such as the elderly and residents with pets. With this approach, we protect these target groups and contribute to the value Justice.

Human intervention

The algorithm (with direct impact on Utrecht residents and their living environment) only serves as a source of information for an employee, who takes the right follow-up step based on this information and the context of the situation. This principle is included in our Utrecht framework Internal Guidelines for Algorithm Application.

Risk management

The Utrecht data scientists, Information and Process Advisors (IPA) and Decentralised Information Security Officers (DISO) within the Utrecht municipality have a controlling and monitoring role in the application of the algorithm, in addition to the employees directly involved. By doing so, we want to prevent the following risks from occurring:

- data leak by making personal data of Utrecht residents publicly available

- algorithm takes a decision completely independently, without the intervention of an employee and without interpreting the relevant context of the situation

- 'function creep' regarding data when applying the algorithm, causing the algorithm to give a distorted picture of what is going on. This can occur because the same type of data is used when applying the algorithm, and the algorithm uses that as confirmation of what comes out as information

Impact assessment

  • Utrechts Uthiek Assessment
  • Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA)



Fireworks nuisance reports

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