Please note: The algorithm descriptions in English have been automatically translated. Errors may have been introduced in this process. For the original descriptions, go to the Dutch version of the Algorithm Register.
- Publication category
- Impactful algorithms
- Impact assessment
- Status
- In use
General information
Begin date
Contact information
Responsible use
Goal and impact
The aim is to increase road safety. MONOcam can be used to check whether drivers of cars and trucks have a mobile electronic device in their hands. The police use MONOcam during traffic checks. Drivers of cars and trucks who have a mobile electronic device in their hands are fined.
The advantage of MONOcam is that a check can be carried out by one person and clear pictures of violations are taken. The disadvantage is that an offender only gets the fine sent home later. So the offender is not personally addressed during or shortly after the offence.
Human intervention
MONOcam checks whether drivers of cars and trucks have a mobile electronic device in their hands. Possible violations are stored on a laptop and then reviewed by an employee. Data from disapproved violations are immediately deleted. Data from approved offences are forwarded to the police central computer and then deleted from the laptop.
Risk management
Recognised risks in the use of MONOcam are listed. Then, for each risk, we look at whether and how it can be addressed. The solution may, for example, be to provide additional explanation to users or to adapt something to the MONOcam system.
Legal basis
The legal basis of MONOcam is described in Article 3 of the Police Act. MONOcam is used for enforcement of Article 5a(1k) of the 1994 Road Traffic Act.
Links to legal bases
- Politiewet:
- Wegenverkeerswet:
Impact assessment
Video recordings are used in the development of MONOcam. These recordings are deleted after use.
Technical design
The MONOcam system consists of a laptop and a video camera that provides high-quality images. In the images from the video camera, the MONOcam algorithm searches for number plates. For each licence plate found, the licence plate is read and the country the vehicle comes from is determined. For each licence plate, the corresponding windscreen is searched, of which only the driver's side is further viewed. In it, the algorithm looks for hands, mobile electronic devices and phone holders.
If the algorithm sees a hand containing a mobile electronic device that is not in a phone holder, the photos are saved as possible offences.
External provider
Similar algorithm description
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- Publication category
- Impactful algorithms
- Impact assessment
- Status
- In use