Repatriation and Departure Service

About this organisation

The Ministry of Justice and Security (JenV) is responsible for the Dutch government's aliens policy. Aliens are people residing in the Netherlands who do not (yet) have the Dutch nationality. This includes the return policy and the approach to illegal residence, which is implemented by the Repatriation and Departure Service (DT&V). DT&V organises the actual departure of foreign nationals who are not entitled to stay in the Netherlands.

When organising the departure, the specific circumstances of an individual foreign national regarding return are very much considered, such as family composition, country of origin and travel route. These circumstances are analysed by DT&V staff (the controllers). In this analysis, the DT&V does not use algorithms; every foreign national and every situation is unique.

As an organisation, we strive for transparency about our work. Therefore, an internal investigation was conducted into the use of algorithms. We conclude that no algorithms are used in our work. If impactful algorithms are used in the future, we will ensure that they are published in the algorithm register.

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