Please note: The algorithm descriptions in English have been automatically translated. Errors may have been introduced in this process. For the original descriptions, go to the Dutch version of the Algorithm Register.
Signal support income offset assistance
- Publication category
- Impactful algorithms
- Impact assessment
- Field not filled in.
- Status
- In use
General information
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Responsible use
Goal and impact
Does someone have an assistance benefit and also income from work or another benefit?
Then, according to the Participation Act, this income must be offset against the social assistance benefit. Sometimes this income even has to be repaid.
The Income Settlement Assistance (OIB) signal helps municipalities with this. It provides insight into extra income of people with social assistance benefits. Municipalities can thus ensure that:
- all extra income (including corrections) is known;
- the correct amount is deducted from the benefit.
With this information, municipalities can work faster. For people on welfare benefits, the advantage is that they can better estimate how much income they have. They are also less likely to have to repay money.
The municipality must verify that residents report their income on time and correctly.
This is important so that the municipality can offset this income against the social assistance benefit.
An algorithm is used for this purpose. This algorithm ensures that the municipality only receives data from residents with social assistance benefits. This protects the privacy of other residents. The algorithm works faster than manual verification. This saves time for municipal employees and reduces the likelihood of errors.
The signal OIB helps municipalities check whether residents fulfil their information obligation. The algorithm also supports the municipality in determining whether declared income is correct.
Human intervention
At the Intelligence Bureau itself, this algorithm does not involve human intervention. However, the Intelligence Bureau does ensure that the processing process has been carried out properly.
The municipality decides whether and how to implement a change.
Risk management
Citizen privacy is a major concern. That is why we periodically check whether there are risks and what can be done about them. This is called privacy impact assessment (PIA).
Legal basis
The offsetting of income earned against the social assistance benefit is part of the Regularity Check on the assistance. The processing of personal data as part of the information service 'Regularity Check' has the following basis(s):
Basis processing UWV (source)
- Sections 64(1)(b) and 68 of the Participation Act
- Article 45(1)(b) IOAW
- Article 45(1)(b) IOAZ
- Section 33, second paragraph, subsections a to c, and ninth paragraph, j° Section 62 of the Work and Income Implementation Structure Act (SUWI Act).
Basis for processing Tax and Customs Administration (source)
- Section 64, first paragraph, under c, and fourteenth paragraph, Section 68, Participation Act
- Section 45(1)(c) and (12), IOAW
- Section 45(1)(c) and (12), IOAZ
Basis of processing Intelligence Bureau:
- Sections 64(3) and 68, Participation Act
- Section 63 SUWI Act, Section 5.24, paragraphs 1 and 3, SUWI Decree & Sections 6.2 and 6.6 SUWI Regulation
- Covenant, Service Agreements (SA) and Technical Agreements and Procedures (TAP)
Basis of processing Municipalities:
- Chapter 5 'Implementation' and Chapter 6 'Powers and facilities municipalities' Participation Act
- Article 62 SUWI Act
See also Data Register Stichting Inlichtingenbureau (Processing Activities Act SUWI / Participation Act on the IB's website to be found via the following page:
Links to legal bases
Link to Processing Index
The municipality's benefit file (A):
Use is made of the existing delivery files Legality. For this, see the algorithm "Samenloopsignalering".
The demand file to UWV (B):
- Start date of reference period
- End date of reference period (end of current month in which the enquiry takes place)
The response file to UWV (C):
- Start date of period,
- Reference period end date
- LA Income relationship number
- LA Date start income relationship, End income relationship
- LA Payroll tax number
- LA Name of administrative unit
- Date start income period, end income period
- LA Code nature of employment relationship
- LA Date of start of income period, end of income period
- LA Code nature of employment relationship
- LA Code wage tax table
- LA Code type of income relationship
- LA Indication wage tax deduction
- LA Date of start of income statement, end of income statement
- LA Amount of wages SV, -value of wages not paid in money
- LA Number of hours worked
- LA Amount of social security contributions withheld
- LA Number of hours worked
- LA Amount of social security contributions withheld, -wage tax withheld, -wage taxed according to table for special remuneration, -wage tax withheld, -wage tax withheld, -excess period salary, -accrued entitlement extra period salary
- LA accrued working conditions amount
- LA Withdrawal employment conditions amount
- LA Amount holiday allowance, -accrued entitlement holiday allowance, -private use car
- WGA Address role code
- WGA Street name, -House number, -House number suffix, -Home boat reference, -Home car reference, -Postal code, -Place name
- WGA PO Box number
- WGA Street name abroad, -House number abroad, -Postcode abroad, -Domestic name abroad, -Region name abroad, -Location description abroad, -Country code ISO structured, -Postbox number abroad
Retrieve additional data (D):
- annual published amount ANW relief
- the amount Jong disability allowance
- annually the wage tax tables on the site of the Tax and Customs Administration
- (in anticipation) of the standard percentage prescribed from the amended Participation Act in Balans assume a (possible) deduction by the employer of 50% of the paid WGA premium from the employee's net wage.
Provision to municipalities (F):
See technical operation (character limit of field reached)
Technical design
Provision to municipalities (F):
- gsd code
- File code
- Household type
- Legal basis
- start-date-ukp
- end-date-ukp
- start-date-ikv
- end-date-ikv
- lb number
- adm unit-name
- liable to income (type of employment contract)
- Compulsory income description
- type-income relationship
- type-income-relationship-description
- start-date-lp
- end-date-lp
- paid-hours
- pay-sv
- pay-in-money
- value-not-paid-in-money
- inh-svp premium
- inh-svvpremium-normal
- inh-svvpremium-special
- value-use-car
- inh-lbph
- wage-lbph
- Inh-WGA/WHK-ind
- Inh-WGA-WHK-ind-normal
- Inh-WGA-WHK-ind-normal
- wage-lbph-normal
- wage-lbph-special
- inh-lbph-normal
- inh-lbph-special
- net wage-subtotal
- net wage-normal
- net-wage-subtotal
- net ANW benefit
- net ANW
- income-net-ind-excl-claim-vt
- ind-claim vt
- income-netind-incl-claim-vt
- income-netind-special
- holiday allowance-paid
- holiday allowance accrued-right
- accrual-awwb
- take-up-awvb
- net-wage-ind-vt
- net-wage-ind-avwb
- ind-loonhk
- applied payroll tax table
- applied-wage-tax-table-sort-table
- applied-payroll tax table-colour table
- applied-payroll tax table-payroll period
- applied-wage-tax-table-special-significance
- ad-unit-address
- ad unit-postal code
- ad-unit-location
- TagSignal type
- TagMultipleIKV
- TagAlternativeCalendar month
- TagBenefitsPayment
- TagStartStopPayment
- TagWageInNature
- TagCalculateBT
- TagFirstPensionPayment
- TagManualCalculation
- TagPrivateUseCar
A. The municipality's benefit file;
B. The application to UWV based on the municipality's benefit file;
C. The delivery of UWV's file of Citizen Service Numbers (BSN) with data on income, pensions and/or benefits;
D. Annually, the IB retrieves the following additional (indexed) data.
- The percentage to be determined annually by which the wage to be offset may be reduced on the basis of indicative WGA/WHK withholding (this percentage is based on the average WGA levy percentage published annually by the UWV, which is multiplied by factor 3). 50% of this then applies as a percentage deduction WGA/WHK from net salary.
- Height of fixed amount of ANW benefit (source: SZW, Decree on ANW benefit)
- The level of the fixed amount of the Young Disabled Persons Allowance (source: Tax and Customs Administration)
- Tables holiday allowance entitlement (source: SZW, Regulation Participation Act, art. 11-13)
- Payroll tax tables per year (source: Belastingdienst)
NB. These are public (publicly accessible) data, they are not personal data.
E. The IB compares the response file received by UWV with previous month and applies logic to only provide municipalities with new and/or wage bill changed income statements, enriched with a net indicative (normal and special) income calculated by IB that is as close as possible to the amount to be deducted from benefits in accordance with the Participation Act. The response report also contains all the amounts used to calculate this income. Finally, information labels (tags) are given so that the information can be processed as efficiently as possible by the municipality. The signal information is stored (temporarily) within national facility within the IB;
F. Of the new and/or changed income declarations found, the IB issues a signal to the municipality.
External provider
Similar algorithm descriptions
- If someone receives social assistance benefits, other income must be offset against the benefits. This is because the assistance supplements income up to the assistance standard.Last change on 27th of November 2024, at 17:03 (CET) | Publication Standard 1.0
- Publication category
- Impactful algorithms
- Impact assessment
- Field not filled in.
- Status
- In development
- A benefit recipient who is studying and can claim study financing is not entitled to assistance. Study financing must be used before claiming assistance. St.Inlichtingenbureau (IB) examines whether there are benefit recipients who have been granted study financing in addition to assistance.Last change on 11th of October 2024, at 8:27 (CET) | Publication Standard 1.0
- Publication category
- Impactful algorithms
- Impact assessment
- Field not filled in.
- Status
- In use
- When someone receives social assistance benefits, the municipality must check for new income that has not been reported. This income must be offset against the benefit. Instead of always investigating this itself, the municipality receives a single notification about this from the IB at the start of this income.Last change on 17th of December 2024, at 12:35 (CET) | Publication Standard 1.0
- Publication category
- Impactful algorithms
- Impact assessment
- Status
- In use
- An assistance recipient can only apply for assistance from the municipality where the resident is registered. For example, as a result of moving house, a person may receive assistance from several municipalities. Stichting Inlichtingenbureau (IB) informs the municipalities about this. The municipalities can then stop unlawful ongoing benefits.Last change on 11th of October 2024, at 8:40 (CET) | Publication Standard 1.0
- Publication category
- Impactful algorithms
- Impact assessment
- Field not filled in.
- Status
- In use
- Some residents receive income support, such as welfare benefits. You are then only allowed to have a maximum amount of money or equity. It is the municipality's job to check this. Therefore, the municipality gets information about the assets of this group. The municipality uses filtering to decide who to investigate further.Last change on 27th of June 2024, at 12:56 (CET) | Publication Standard 1.0
- Publication category
- Impactful algorithms
- Impact assessment
- Field not filled in.
- Status
- In use