Please note: The algorithm descriptions in English have been automatically translated. Errors may have been introduced in this process. For the original descriptions, go to the Dutch version of the Algorithm Register.

Power BI

Power BI is a reporting tool in which different data sources can be combined to create visualisations from them. This allows visualisations to be created for use in reports in many different areas.

Last change on 28th of January 2025, at 13:22 (CET) | Publication Standard 1.0
Publication category
Other algorithms
Impact assessment
Field not filled in.
In use

General information


Organisation and business operations

Begin date


Contact information

Responsible use

Goal and impact

Power BI is used to create visualisations of various data sources; these visualisations then help to gain insights and convey these insights to others.


The advantages of using the algorithm is being able to visualise insights based on certain data. The downside is that it requires processing of data that was initially processed for a different purpose. Being able to process this data for reporting purposes must be compatible with the original purpose. If personal data is involved, this will be established through conducting a DPIA.

Human intervention

Power BI is applied to obtain input for reports. What output Power BI gives depends on human intervention; this output is used by employees as part of reports. Then, these reports are interpreted by people before making choices and/or taking action. So there is human intervention in several steps.

Risk management

If personal data is processed through Power BI, a DPIA will be carried out.

Legal basis

Provinces Act



Which data Power BI uses depends on the specific application. This is because the application dictates which datasets to use.

Technical design

Power BI is a reporting tool in which different data sources can be combined to create visualisations from them. This allows visualisations to be created for use in reports in many different areas.

External provider


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