Please note: The algorithm descriptions in English have been automatically translated. Errors may have been introduced in this process. For the original descriptions, go to the Dutch version of the Algorithm Register.

Customisation scan

The Maatwerkscan shows how likely you are to be on welfare.

Last change on 20th of January 2025, at 14:35 (CET) | Publication Standard 1.0
Publication category
Impactful algorithms
Impact assessment
In use

General information


Social Security

Begin date


Contact information

Link to source registration

Responsible use

Goal and impact

UWV wants to offer services that fit your situation. The Maatwerkscan shows us whether you are at risk of ending up on welfare after the WW. Are you at risk? If so, we will contact you to see what support you need to reduce this risk.


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Human intervention

The algorithm helps us to be able to see if you could use extra support. But ultimately the UWV employee decides whether we contact you. Furthermore, we monitor the use of the algorithm in the following ways:

  • Our specialists check every week whether the algorithm gives the correct (logical) results.
  • Are you invited for an interview? Then a UWV employee reviews with you what is needed to find work. The algorithm does not determine this.
  • Our staff can always decide to offer more customisation. Even if the Maatwerkscan gives a low score.
  • Our staff judge for themselves whether we offer you extra guidance. The algorithm does not determine this. You are also free to reject our assistance.

Risk management

We ensure that we remain compliant with information security and privacy requirements. We do this in the following ways:

  • We do not use the results of the Customisation Scan for other purposes.
  • We continuously work on maintaining the algorithm.
  • We have other organisations check our compliance with legal and ethical standards.
  • An external and independent organisation carries out quality checks to test whether the algorithm is careful. This is in addition to the checks our specialist UWV staff do as standard.

Customisation scan is designed so that everyone looking for work is treated in the same way. This is done as follows:

  • Maatwerkscan processes all data in the same way.
  • Maatwerkscan does not use personal characteristics such as origin, gender or nationality.

Legal basis

WW benefit

Elaboration on impact assessments

Instead of the national IAMA standard, a UWV Ethical Impact Assessment was conducted.

Impact assessment

Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA)



To clarify whether additional support is needed, the Maatwerkscan uses various data. Much of this data is in our systems and thus already known to UWV. The algorithm also uses information you provided when you applied for your WW benefit. The Maatwerkscan uses the following data:

  • whether you have previously received social assistance benefit
  • the total number of months you are entitled to WW benefit
  • the number of months you will still receive unemployment benefit
  • the amount of your WW benefit
  • whether you have any income on top of your WW benefit
  • whether you receive a supplement to your WW benefit
  • your age on the first day of your WW benefit
  • the composition of your household (single, cohabiting)

Technical design

From the Maatwerkscan comes a score. This score gives us information about the risk of you having to apply for social assistance benefit after the WW. The higher the score, the higher this risk.

The Maatwerkscan is carried out again every week. Here, some data remain the same, but there are also data that always change. For example, the number of months you will still get WW gets smaller and smaller. As a result, the risk of being on welfare becomes slightly higher each time. It is therefore possible that we will not contact you until you have been on WW benefit for a bit longer.

Have you not yet been invited for an interview, but would like advice? You can always request an interview. UWV helps everyone on WW benefit, regardless of the results of the Maatwerkscan.

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