Please note: The algorithm descriptions in English have been automatically translated. Errors may have been introduced in this process. For the original descriptions, go to the Dutch version of the Algorithm Register.

Customer application WW

The Customer Application WW makes an online application easy and fast.

Last change on 20th of January 2025, at 12:16 (CET) | Publication Standard 1.0
Publication category
Impactful algorithms
Impact assessment
In use

General information


Social Security

Begin date


Contact information

Link to source registration

Responsible use

Goal and impact

If you are unemployed or about to lose your job, you may receive WW benefit through UWV. You apply for this benefit via My UWV. The WW Customer Application allows you to submit your online application easily and quickly. Our staff can then assess these applications more quickly.


The WW Customer Application shows the data already held by UWV that are important for your application. You can check whether the data are correct and then only need to fill in the missing data. After that, UWV determines whether you are entitled to WW benefit.
The processing of your application is partly automated. With the WW Customer Application, UWV determines the following:
  • Whether you are entitled to benefit.
  • The approximate level of your benefit
  • For how long you will receive benefit.

Human intervention

UWV employees monitor the use of the algorithm in the following ways:

  • Several parties are involved in the development and management of the WW Customer Application. These include analysts, lawyers, executive staff and customer panels. They check monthly whether the algorithm is still working properly.
  • UWV handles an application for WW benefit either automatically or manually. The latter is done in difficult situations where it is necessary for an employee to watch. Employees also regularly review applications. For example, to check whether people are entitled to WW benefit.
  • During your online WW application, you can ask questions over the phone about how the WW Client Application works.
  • Our staff keep an eye on whether laws and regulations change. If that happens, we adjust the algorithm. This way, the algorithm remains compliant with current laws and regulations.

Risk management

We constantly review the processes by which we develop, manage and use the algorithm. In this way, we ensure that the assessment of applications for unemployment benefit remains sound.

Does a risk of an incorrect assessment still arise? Then UWV can shut down the WW Customer Application, or source systems connected to it, and launch an investigation.

The valid laws and rules guide the algorithm. The algorithm always applies the rules from the law in the same way. This ensures that we treat people applying for WW benefits equally in similar situations.

Impact assessment

Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA)



The algorithm uses the following data:

  • citizen service number
  • first name
  • surname
  • date of birth
  • gender
  • marital status
  • street name, house number, postal code and place of residence
  • telephone number
  • account number
  • name of employer(s) and length of service(s)
  • income details
  • working years or employment history
  • health data (effective date and end date of sickness and disability benefits)
  • benefit data of previous or current benefits (daily wage, benefit start date, benefit duration)

Table client application WW

The table below shows which data the WW Customer Application uses and what they are used for.

  • citizen service number: used for identification purposes
  • First name: used for salutation in the letter
  • surname: used for salutation in the letter
  • date of birth: used for assessment of amount and entitlement to benefit (WW benefit can be applied for from the age of 15 and up to the age of 66)
  • Gender: used for salutation in letter
  • marital status: used for entitlement to benefit (we only ask if someone is potentially entitled to benefit)
  • street name, house number, postal code and place of residence: used for notifying and processing application (we use the address to determine which office handles the application)
  • telephone number: used for telephone contact
  • account number: used for payment, transferring the benefit and any surcharge
  • name of employer(s) and duration of employment: used to assess the amount and entitlement of benefits
  • income details: are used to assess the amount and entitlement of benefits
  • years of work or employment history assessment: used for benefit duration assessment
  • health data: used to assess the amount and entitlement of benefits
  • benefit data from previous or current benefits (daily wage, benefit start date, benefit duration): are used for assessment of benefit amount and entitlement

Technical design

The WW Customer Application uses data such as age, income, employment history and benefit data from various government systems. For example, we get information about your income and employment history from the Tax and Customs Administration. Data about your age and address come from the municipality where you live.

After submitting an application, UWV has collected enough information to pay the WW benefit. And to support you in finding suitable work.

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