Please note: The algorithm descriptions in English have been automatically translated. Errors may have been introduced in this process. For the original descriptions, go to the Dutch version of the Algorithm Register.


The employee is helped to create texts that contain no language errors and are written in such a way that everyone understands them.

Last change on 6th of February 2024, at 10:16 (CET) | Publication Standard 1.0
Publication category
Impactful algorithms
Impact assessment
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In use

General information


Space and Infrastructure

Begin date

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Contact information

Responsible use

Goal and impact

Texts are published by employees. The functionality helps staff to produce texts that are understandable to citizens.


No personal data of Delft municipality residents are processed. AI functionality is used to obtain more readable texts.

Human intervention

The municipality's employee decides which text will eventually be published. It is only a tool for the employee.

Risk management

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Technical design

As an employee, you can enter a text and then get a suggestion for a better text at the press of a button. The tool corrects language mistakes, changes the language level (A2, B1 and so on), makes suggestions for titles and can make other improvement suggestions.

External provider

Concepteurs BV

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    Publication category
    Impactful algorithms
    Impact assessment
    Field not filled in.
    In use