Please note: The algorithm descriptions in English have been automatically translated. Errors may have been introduced in this process. For the original descriptions, go to the Dutch version of the Algorithm Register.

Application for visitor parking permit

This algorithm automatically makes a decision on an application to purchase parking credit for visitors. If the applicant receives informal care, then the respective applicant is entitled to a higher parking credit. If granted, the applicant can use the scheme immediately. If rejected, the applicant is given an explanation as to why.

Last change on 11th of July 2024, at 12:04 (CET) | Publication Standard 1.0
Publication category
Impactful algorithms
Impact assessment
In use

General information



Begin date


Contact information

Link to publication website

Responsible use

Goal and impact

Residents of neighbourhoods with paid parking can buy a parking budget to allow their visitors to park at a lower rate than via on-street vending machines. In addition, if the applicant receives informal care, they may buy a larger parking budget. The application for this can be submitted digitally using DigiD. The applicant receives an automated and immediate response to the application.


This algorithm works like a decision tree. It does not require assessments that require weighting of severity or reasonableness; it involves unambiguous decision making. For example: is parking in the applicant's street free or must it be paid for, has an application already been made and granted at this address, does the applicant have an indication for informal care. The chance of errors is therefore relatively small. If the applicant feels that an error has nevertheless been made, he can file an objection. Use of the algorithm has the advantage for the applicants that there is an immediate response to the application and when granted, he can use the system immediately. The advantage for the municipality is that fewer employees are needed to handle applications, thus reducing costs.

Human intervention

The decision on the application is fully automated. If an appeal is filed, however, it is assessed by humans. This ensures human intervention.

Risk management

The algorithm works on the basis of data managed by the municipality (which areas are subject to paid parking, has there been a previous application at this address) and data entered by the applicant. In both cases, there may be an error in the data. The algorithm also processes data on whether the applicant receives informal care or not. This is special personal data that says something about the applicant's health.

Legal basis

The Municipalities Act stipulates that the municipal council may adopt ordinances, more specifically, the Road Traffic Act stipulates that the municipal council may adopt rules regarding traffic. These are laid down in the Parking Ordinance 2023 Municipality of Haarlem and the Further Rules on Parking Ordinance 2023 Municipality of Haarlem.

Links to legal bases

Art. 149 Gemeentewet en art. 2a Wegenverkeerswet, Parkeerverordening 2023 gemeente Haarlem, Nadere regels Parkeerverordening 2023 gemeente Haarlem:

Elaboration on impact assessments

Not expected to have major impact on human rights other than privacy.

Impact assessment

Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA):



Applicant address (determine address in Haarlem); Applicant name (determine whether there is already a parking permit in the applicant's name); Applicant age (minimum age 18); House number (determine possibility of parking right, e.g. not if parking is possible on own terrain); House number (check against whitelist); House number (determine whether requested permit will be issued).

Technical design

The applicant can start the application from the municipality's page, the applicant is redirected to the DigiD login page, after logging in, the citizen is directed to his personal page where the confirmation of the requested visitor regulation is shown, the applicant can also find his registration number and pin code here. In the background, the following information is queried via the decision tree: applicant's name, applicant's address, applicant's house number, applicant's age, whitelist exceptions, whether there is already a parking right at the address, whether a parking right can be issued at the address, whether the applicant is at least 18 years old.

External provider

Internally developed

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