Please note: The algorithm descriptions in English have been automatically translated. Errors may have been introduced in this process. For the original descriptions, go to the Dutch version of the Algorithm Register.

Deployment of scanning car for parking controls

The purpose of the algorithm is to automatically scan license plates for the purpose of parking enforcement

Last change on 10th of December 2024, at 14:16 (CET) | Publication Standard 1.0
Publication category
Impactful algorithms
Impact assessment
In use

General information



Begin date

09 2021

End date


Contact information

Handhaving gemeente Almere

Link to publication website

Privacyverklaring | Almere

Link to source registration

Verwerkingsregister Gemeente Almere

Responsible use

Goal and impact

The purpose of the algorithm is to recognise license plates of vehicles in violation for after-tax parking tax respectively. A citizen encounters the outcome of the algorithm in case of an offence.


This is in addition to manual enforcement. The algorithm supports the process of determining whether a car is parked incorrectly (Fiscal Parking Enforcement). A DPIA was conducted to determine the privacy impact.

Human intervention

There is intervention by a BOA (charge/fine). The BOA checks whether the licence plate has been properly and rightly scanned before a fine is issued.

Risk management

Procurement of services from ISO-certified suppliers. Algorithms remain vested in the suppliers. A processor agreement and DPIA are in place to minimise risks to the municipality and citizens.

Legal basis

Municipal parking enforcement ordinance 2023.

Links to legal bases

AVG: Algemeen belang

Link to Processing Index

Verwerkingsregister Gemeente Almere

Elaboration on impact assessments

The DPIA highlighted a number of risks that have been mitigated with additional measures.

Impact assessment

Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA)



RDW, Licences/permits, GBA, National Parking Register

Technical design

A camera scans license plates. The algorithm combines data from the RDW/ licenses, GBA and National Parking Register based on predefined rules (parameters) to determine whether there is wrong parking. The ownership of the algorithm rests with the suppliers. The municipality purchases services and has no direct involvement in or substantive knowledge of how the algorithms work.

External provider

ScanGo- Globe Solutions

Similar algorithm descriptions

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    Publication category
    Impactful algorithms
    Impact assessment
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    Impactful algorithms
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  • Short description With the scan car, the municipality carries out parking checks. The scan car uses Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) cameras, identifies license plates and checks parking entitlements. The license plates without parking rights are transferred to the enforcement system for the purpose of collecting the parking tax due.

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    Publication category
    Impactful algorithms
    Impact assessment
    Field not filled in.
    In use
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    Publication category
    Impactful algorithms
    Impact assessment
    In use
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    Publication category
    Impactful algorithms
    Impact assessment
    In use