Please note: The algorithm descriptions in English have been automatically translated. Errors may have been introduced in this process. For the original descriptions, go to the Dutch version of the Algorithm Register.

Dynamic microsimulation models

The programme provides a visual representation of traffic flow on roads and intersections. The reality and possible future situation are sketched and simulated based on the inputs. With this computer model, options for road and intersection layouts and traffic arrangements can be compared and thus help with advice and choices.

Last change on 23rd of August 2024, at 15:21 (CET) | Publication Standard 1.0
Publication category
Other algorithms
Impact assessment
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In use

General information



Begin date

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Contact information

Link to publication website

Responsible use

Goal and impact

It is intended as a tool for road manager tasks to adequately carry out the work, possibly improve it and substantiate choices. The citizen does not directly notice anything about the programme. Ultimately, the citizen as a traffic participant notices something of the choices made by the municipality as road manager, partly based on the results of simulations, for the traffic flow.


The programme is used as an aid in (administrative) decision-making on proposed road and/or intersection redesign and analysis of the operation of intersection traffic controls. It then examines the consequences of the redesign and/or the control programme in terms of traffic flow.

This is the most widely used and proven microsimulation package for traffic management. There is no reason to use anything else.

Human intervention

The results are input for further traffic engineering analysis. It is input in a consideration process how to design the road, set traffic lights and to objectify traffic engineering insights. It is purely a tool for exercising within the task of the road authority. This process can be stopped at any time. There are user groups of road authorities with which the supplier periodically coordinates to make any improvements.

Risk management

There are no specific risks in terms of privacy issues around personal data. Bias does not play a role.

Legal basis

The legal basis lies in proper implementation of the Road Traffic Act. It is an auxiliary tool for the road authority's work.



Anonymous traffic data (numbers of vehicles, cyclists etc. per hour/time), road layout, traffic control programme settings are used.

Technical design

see website The programme provides a visual representation of the expected traffic flows given the intended road layout and traffic light settings and expected traffic flows.

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