Please note: The algorithm descriptions in English have been automatically translated. Errors may have been introduced in this process. For the original descriptions, go to the Dutch version of the Algorithm Register.

Vulnerability rating Buildings and Locations

Vulnerable buildings and sites (KGLs) are buildings and sites that authorities need to provide extra protection against external security risks. To assign a particular vulnerability, competent authorities (usually municipalities) can use an IT facility that suggests vulnerability based on a number of criteria.

Last change on 1st of August 2024, at 6:43 (CET) | Publication Standard 1.0
Publication category
Other algorithms
Impact assessment
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In use

General information


  • Space and Infrastructure
  • Nature and Environment

Begin date


Contact information

Link to publication website

Responsible use

Goal and impact

With the advent of the Environment Act, a number of things are changing around external safety policy. Vulnerable buildings and locations (KGLs) are buildings and locations that governments must provide extra protection against external safety risks. External safety risks can be summarised as risks resulting from activities involving hazardous substances. Such risks include, for example, a fire, (toxic) gas clouds or danger of explosion. To assign a particular vulnerability, competent authorities (usually municipalities) can use an IT facility that makes a vulnerability proposal based on a number of criteria. Based on that proposal, a competent authority can then set the vulnerability level.


Many of the criteria applicable to a building or location are already recorded in various registers. The automated application of the trade-offs simplifies and speeds up the process of determining and publishing vulnerability levels. There are effectively no drawbacks, as this is a tool without direct consequences.

Human intervention

The results of the algorithm are verified and confirmed by the Competent Authority before publication in the External Safety Register is approved.

Risk management

No risks have been identified for applying this algorithm.

Legal basis

The Quality of the Living Environment Decree (BKL), Annex VI, contains the basis for determining vulnerable buildings and locations.

Links to legal bases

Besluit Kwaliteit Leefomgeving (BKL):

Link to Processing Index


Elaboration on impact assessments

No impact tests (DPIA or IAMA) have been carried out because this concerns the automated application of rules. Moreover, the results never lead directly to a decision or determination. Personal data does not apply.



Data used in applying this algorithm are the use functions of buildings from the BAG (Basic Registration of Addresses and Buildings) and qualifications from the Chamber of Commerce Trade Register.

Links to data sources

  • Basis Registratie Adressen en Gebouwen (BAG): bijvoorbeeld via of
  • Basisregistratie Handelsregister (HR):

Technical design

The algorithm assigns vulnerability levels to buildings and locations based on properties and associated norm rules.

The properties taken into account are:

  • the number of persons present simultaneously;
  • the duration of presence of persons;
  • the extent to which persons can bring themselves to safety in the event of an incident.

There are 9 different use functions whose vulnerability needs to be determined:

  1. residential function
  2. meeting function
  3. office function
  4. industrial function
  5. accommodation function
  6. sports function
  7. retail function
  8. education
  9. other user functions

The user functions are obtained from the Basic Addresses Buildings Register. These are updated monthly to the most recent data, after which the algorithm is applied again. The algorithm does a pre-fill and a cross-check in the Hnadelsregister (HR). The Competent Authority then receives a notification so that a decision on updating in the External Safety Register (REV) can be made.

Vulnerability levels are Highly Vulnerable, Vulnerable and Limited Vulnerability.

Information for different target groups (source holders, competent authorities, end users) can be found at

External provider

The algorithm was developed within IenW. Sogelink (aka Geodan) is the external supplier who developed the algorithm.