Please note: The algorithm descriptions in English have been automatically translated. Errors may have been introduced in this process. For the original descriptions, go to the Dutch version of the Algorithm Register.


Polpo is deployed by South Holland province as a signalling tool, whereby real-time messages/documents from the House of Representatives are searched for certain topics and the relevant information emerges.

Last change on 29th of May 2024, at 10:19 (CET) | Publication Standard 1.0
Publication category
Impactful algorithms
Impact assessment
Field not filled in.
In use

General information


Organisation and business operations

Begin date

Field not filled in.

Contact information

Voor vragen en opmerkingen kan je terecht bij: Wil je bezwaar maken, dan kan je terecht bij de Juridische afdeling van dienst beheer organisatie.

Link to source registration

Responsible use

Goal and impact

It serves as a fast accurate automated political monitor for targeted message retrieval from the House of Representatives. This provides quick insight into information on the House of Representatives relevant to the province. This allows the province to be informed early on relevant political developments in the Lower House. It also contributes to keeping the provision of information in order. The signalling function has no direct impact on citizens. The information from Polpo does not go to citizens and is only used as a lobby to the Lower House.


It is important for provinces to be able to respond quickly and easily to political developments from the House of Representatives in order to act accordingly.

Human intervention

Yes there is human intervention. The algorithm automatically sends out alerts, but it is still a human consideration what is then done with the information. So the human determines whether the information is put out further and how it is used.

Risk management

By not using the right search terms, you may not get the right or complete information. To avoid this, the province also uses other information channels to bring in information. Such as the House of Representatives website itself. Polpo serves purely as an additional tool to bring in information faster, more focused and easier. Polpo also uses information and documents directly from the House of Representatives website. The source remains with the owner.



House letters, motions, chamber questions, agenda documents, amendments and bills of the House of Representatives.
However, no speaking text of members of parliament.

Technical design

The artificial intelligence on the Polpo platform uses Natural Language Processing to analyse information for political context.

External provider


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