Please note: The algorithm descriptions in English have been automatically translated. Errors may have been introduced in this process. For the original descriptions, go to the Dutch version of the Algorithm Register.


Identifying and anonymising privacy-sensitive information in information objects (in many cases documents).

Last change on 28th of November 2024, at 15:05 (CET) | Publication Standard 1.0
Publication category
Other algorithms
Impact assessment
In use

General information


Organisation and business operations

Begin date


Contact information

Link to publication website

Responsible use

Goal and impact

The purpose of the algorithm is to anonymise privacy-sensitive information. Anonymisation is irreversibly changing personal data so that it cannot be traced back to an individual. Anonymisation protects personal information and safeguards the privacy of individuals.


The algorithm helps keep the process of anonymising documents digital and partially automated. Previously, documents had to be printed out first, then personal data deleted. Then the document was scanned and registered again. The algorithm is trained to recognise privacy-sensitive information, but is limited to classifying the information. It will never reveal the content information.

The technology also helps improve the quality of anonymisation.

Human intervention

The results of the algorithm are a tool. An employee checks the results of the algorithm. He can manually modify and approve them. Thus, human intervention is always needed for final anonymisation.

Risk management

To safeguard the algorithm's privacy risks, the algorithm undergoes constant review and updates from the vendor to address new threats and privacy challenges. City staff also monitor the operation of the algorithm and can make adjustments to correct errors.

The supplier engages in constant dialogue with stakeholders of the software.

Legal basis

Open Government Act
Electronic Publications Act

Links to legal bases

  • Wet open overheid (WOO):
  • Wet elektronische publicaties (WEP):

Elaboration on impact assessments

A Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA) was carried out prior to the implementation of the software.

Impact assessment

Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA): LINK OPNEMEN NAAR DPIA



For example, internal documents to be disclosed for the purposes of the Open Government Act (WOO) based on a WOO request. Or documents to be published based on the Electronic Publications Act (WEP), such as spatial plans.

Links to data sources

Ruimtelijke plannen:

Technical design

Deep learning models that determine which information is considered privacy-sensitive based on images and text in documents. To further develop the algorithm, the vendor uses 'supervised machine learning'. This means that the algorithm is capable of learning and is continuously improved by the vendor.

External provider

eData B.V. The algorithm is provided through ICT Rijk van Nijmegen (iRvN) and used by all Rijk van Nijmegen municipalities.

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    Other algorithms
    Impact assessment
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    In use
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    Publication category
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    Impact assessment
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    In use
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    Publication category
    Impactful algorithms
    Impact assessment
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    In use
  • Identifying and anonymising privacy-sensitive information in information objects (in many cases documents).

    Last change on 2nd of October 2024, at 8:38 (CET) | Publication Standard 1.0
    Publication category
    Other algorithms
    Impact assessment
    Field not filled in.
    In use
  • Identifying and anonymising privacy-sensitive information in information objects (in many cases documents).

    Last change on 3rd of June 2024, at 11:30 (CET) | Publication Standard 1.0
    Publication category
    Other algorithms
    Impact assessment
    Field not filled in.
    In use