Please note: The algorithm descriptions in English have been automatically translated. Errors may have been introduced in this process. For the original descriptions, go to the Dutch version of the Algorithm Register.
Leasehold transfer portal
- Publication category
- Impactful algorithms
- Impact assessment
- Field not filled in.
- Status
- In use
General information
Begin date
Contact information
Responsible use
Goal and impact
In the transfer portal, it is possible to apply for a transfer to perpetual ground rent. And for ground leaseholders with AB 1994, besides switching, a (possible extended) redemption can also be requested.
The applicant gets immediate insight by an indication of the amounts involved. A public formula is used for the calculation, based on public data.
The application does not oblige and can be cancelled at any time. After the application, the municipality makes an offer (quotation) via an employee, which the applicant can accept via the Transfer Portal. Once the applicant accepts this offer, a mutually binding agreement is created between the municipality and the leaseholder. Thereafter, a fully automated order is sent to the notary.
Using the interchange portal has no legal consequences. This is only when a leaseholder records the agreement by notarial deed at the notary. The transfer portal allows the leaseholder to gain digital insight into what a transfer will cost approximately and to make an application and possibly conclude an agreement.
After concluding the agreement, it can still be dissolved if it has not yet been recorded in a deed. There are exceptional cases where it can no longer be dissolved.
Human intervention
Leaseholders are asked in the transfer portal whether the data shown is correct. They are given the opportunity to indicate what is not correct (in an open text field). When we make an offer, a staff member is always involved to carry out a number of checks. We also do spot checks to ensure quality. A leaseholder can always indicate (even afterwards) that something is not right. This is reviewed and dealt with by an employee.
Risk management
The algorithm only uses public data (WOZ value, BSQ set by municipal council, leasehold zoning recorded in the Land Registry).
The risk is small. The algorithm does not process personal data. To enter into an agreement, we do include name/address/email address in the offer (quotation).
In addition, there is a feedback loop with the leaseholder. The leaseholder is asked whether the data is correct. If not, the leaseholder can indicate in an open text field what is not correct.
There is a security risk when using DigID data. For this, the DPIA is updated annually, an audit is conducted and a pen and hack test is carried out.
Risk factors:
Personal data: name (public), address (public), e-mail address.
Profiling (not by the municipality, but in the event of a data breach): any data on outstanding (past due) invoices.
Legal basis
Private law contracts
1. DigID / e-Herkenning (linking correct ground lease contracts to the right person via BSN- or kvk number. This data is not visible to employees of the Leasehold and Issuing Department).
2. Hermes (ground rent data, taken from public ground rent contracts). Any adjustments are manually updated in Hermes.
3. Land Registry (property information, accessed through Hermes. This information is read into Hermes bi-weekly from the Land Registry).
4. WOZ data (Taxes of the Municipality of Amsterdam).
5. outstanding (past due) invoices (AMI)
Type of data:
- Public data; and
- Personal data
These are not included in the algorithm but are only used for identification or correspondence.
Technical design
The Transfer Portal calculates the canon amount for the perpetual ground rent. The calculation formula can be found here.
Based on the canon, a surrender price can also be calculated. The calculation of the commutation sum and the formula for this can be found here.
The degree of accuracy is high. It is possible that the Land Registry does not process the correct property details or that the BAG addresses are not listed correctly. The leaseholder can always contact the Leasehold and Issuing Department to rectify this.
External provider
Link to code base
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