Please note: The algorithm descriptions in English have been automatically translated. Errors may have been introduced in this process. For the original descriptions, go to the Dutch version of the Algorithm Register.
Left luggage detection
- Publication category
- Other algorithms
- Impact assessment
- Status
- Out of use
General information
Begin date
Contact information
Link to publication website
Responsible use
Goal and impact
The algorithm was originally developed for detection of forgotten luggage. Works well with fixed cameras (not rotatable or zoomable) and in sufficient light. Does not work well in dynamic environments or in darkness.
All 'lighter' means (more surveillance, more information on rules, more containers and dozens more) have been tried and did not yield the desired results. Cameras are now also being used as an additional tool.
Human intervention
Camera images are flagged and reviewed by an enforcer to see if the sideloader is recognisable in the image. It can be decided to deactivate the algorithm in the camera system. In addition, the camera system itself can also be deactivated.
Risk management
A Data Protection Impact Assessment (GEB) and a Data Privacy Impact Assessment (DPIA) were carried out for the project. The only risk is a false positive (it looks like an addition but is not) or a false negative (it was an addition but the algorithm did not recognise it). In both cases, there are no consequences for the individual. In the case of a false positive, the enforcer removes the images after review. In the case of a false negative, nothing happens to the images. Images without recognition are automatically deleted by the system. There is no processing of personal data in the algorithm: the algorithm gives a hit if it detects that a non-moving object remains for a longer period of time. The camera images do show recognisable people in the image but these are only viewed by designated enforcers after a signal from the algorithm.
Legal basis
Art. 151c Gemeentewet, jo. APV and Afvalstoffenverordening Den Haag
Impact assessment
Camera footage
Technical design
The algorithm rests with the suppliers. The municipality purchases services and has no substantive knowledge of how the algorithm works.
A camera takes an image of a waste container and its immediate surroundings. The algorithm compares the footage with previous images. If an object appears in the image that remains stationary for an extended period of time, that is a 'hit' for a possible addition. Those camera images (and the previous few minutes) are flagged and reviewed by an enforcer to see if the updraft is recognisable in the image.
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