Please note: The algorithm descriptions in English have been automatically translated. Errors may have been introduced in this process. For the original descriptions, go to the Dutch version of the Algorithm Register.

Accident risk makes road safety measurable by using risk profiles for o.b.v. road design, use and accidents. The risk profiles are built using road characteristics derived from open datasets and provincial datasets, such as road widths, verge obstacles and intensities

Last change on 9th of January 2025, at 9:36 (CET) | Publication Standard 1.0
Publication category
Other algorithms
Impact assessment
Field not filled in.
In use

General information



Begin date


Contact information

Link to publication website

Responsible use

Goal and impact

The algorithm is a tool to gain more, better and faster insights into traffic safety from a large number of different datasets. The results of the prediction model are used to advise traffic experts on (policy) choices that reduce the risk of traffic accidents. In addition, the model can be used in concrete projects to compare two or more designs in terms of road safety score. As such, the algorithm is only intended for internal use by (policy) employees of the Province.


The advantage is that the prediction model clearly analyses the relevant road safety data (accident data and road characteristics). This allows identifying road safety risks, setting priorities or answering questions.

The disadvantage is that the results of the prediction model have to be interpreted properly by users. Not all existing road safety risks can be expressed in data/risk indicators, and data may contain errors.

Human intervention

The algorithm is an analytical tool. The outcomes are advisory and thus interpreted and verified by humans. Model outcomes are never adopted 1-to-1. So there is no automated decision-making.

Risk management

Data quality is checked periodically and updated annually. Risk profiles are also validated annually with actual accident data ensuring reliability. For explainability of risk predictions, values are displayed as transparently as possible. In addition, a disclaimer is present on the applications that outcomes are always an advice and can therefore deviate from the actual safety risks. The outcomes are always assessed by a traffic expert before use. No personal data are processed or shown.

Legal basis

The Road Traffic Act (section a4, c) and Road Infrastructure Safety Decree (section 3, et seq.).

Links to legal bases

  • Wegenverkeerswet 1994:
  • Besluit Verkeersveiligheid Weginfrastructuur:

Elaboration on impact assessments

No personal data and/or privacy-sensitive information will be used



Among others, NWB, BGT, Openstreetmap, NDW V85 and OpenOV.

Links to data sources


Technical design

Structure of a risk:

- Risk: a (regional) road safety risk from, for example, CROW, SPV or defined by the road authority.

- Indicator: a measurable component of a risk. Each indicator consists of one or more variables that together yield an indicator score (a value between 0 - 1).

- Variable: a property derivable from data.

Calculation of risk profile: The final score of a road section is determined by making a weighted sum of all-risk scores. Like a risk score and an indcicator score, the risk profile is always a number between 0 and 1.

External provider

DOK data B.V.

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