Please note: The algorithm descriptions in English have been automatically translated. Errors may have been introduced in this process. For the original descriptions, go to the Dutch version of the Algorithm Register.
AERIUS - Computing tool for the living environment
- Publication category
- Other algorithms
- Impact assessment
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- Status
- In use
General information
Begin date
Contact information
Link to publication website
Responsible use
Goal and impact
The AERIUS tool consists of several modules. AERIUS Calculator is the 'calculator' with which the nitrogen deposition contribution of a plan or project can be made transparent, AERIUS Monitor provides information about the total nitrogen load on protected nature areas and the origin of this deposition, AERIUS Register enables competent authorities to allocate nitrogen deposition space to new permits via nitrogen banks, and AERIUS Check serves to support subsidy schemes, such as the peak load approach.
When consent is granted, AERIUS Calculator serves as a starting point to determine whether a plan or project may have a significant impact on nitrogen-sensitive habitats in Natura 2000 areas. The calculation results from AERIUS Calculator are included in the further assessment of the effects in granting permission.
AERIUS Monitor shows the figures calculated by RIVM on total deposition and exceedance of the KDW. This monitoring information is used to draw up new policy or adjust existing policy. The figures provide insight into the effort required and tools for specifying, for instance, sectors or locations.
AERIUS Calculator is designed to make the complexity of dispersion modelling accessible to a wide audience. The tool provides a low-threshold interface in which a user can enter an activity itself. To perform the calculation, AERIUS Calculator calls underlying data and calculation models. These models are Standard Calculation Method 2 (SRM-2) for short-range road traffic and the Operational Priority Substances Model (OPS) for all other emission sources. These scientific models are managed and continuously developed by RIVM for use in AERIUS, among others. The models are also used in other dossiers, such as air quality.
Using calculation models to determine nitrogen deposition as a result of a plan or project is necessary because the effect of future activities cannot be measured. To approach reality as closely as possible with the model calculation, the most up-to-date scientific knowledge is used in the calculation models. AERIUS is updated annually to incorporate, among other things, model developments. In addition, the use of AERIUS Calculator ensures that deposition calculations are performed in an unequivocal manner. This saves (advisory) costs for initiators and assessment time for competent authorities.
Human intervention
Anyone can make a calculation in AERIUS Calculator. To do so, the user needs to create and define emission sources himself. Once a calculation is started by the user, AERIUS calculates the nitrogen deposition due to the emission sources entered by the user.
The results of the AERIUS calculation can then be used in the further assessment surrounding consent. Whether permission can actually be granted is determined by the relevant competent authority.
Risk management
The management of AERIUS explicitly addresses risk management. On the one hand, software-based via active management and maintenance to be implemented, and on the other hand, more generally via overall risk management and quality management plans.
Legal basis
AERIUS Calculator is the statutory tool for calculating nitrogen deposition as a result of a Natura 2000 activity, included in article 4.15, second paragraph, of the Environment Regulations.
AERIUS Monitor is the legally prescribed tool for monitoring the statutory ambient values, included in Article 12.83a, second paragraph, of the Environment Regulations.
AERIUS Register is the statutory tool for the use of nitrogen banks, included in Chapter 17a. of the Environmental Regulations.
Links to legal bases
- Artikel 4.15 Omgevingsregeling:
- Artikel 12.83a Omgevingsregeling:
- Hoofdstuk 17a Omgevingsregeling:
The data and data flows used in AERIUS are listed in the AERIUS Data Manual. It mainly concerns environmental data.
Links to data sources
Technical design
AERIUS uses 1) the Operational Priority Substances dispersion model (OPS-long term) for the calculation of concentrations in air and nitrogen deposition on the earth's surface, 2) Standard Calculation Method 2 (SRM2) for the dispersion of short-range traffic emissions.
These models are described separately in the respective model descriptions.