Please note: The algorithm descriptions in English have been automatically translated. Errors may have been introduced in this process. For the original descriptions, go to the Dutch version of the Algorithm Register.

File Control Module (BCM) Basic Registration of Persons (BRP)

This algorithm checks whether the data contained in a person list meets the requirements of the BRP Logical Design in terms of data structure and content (Structure and Domain checks).

Last change on 13th of January 2025, at 9:04 (CET) | Publication Standard 1.0
Publication category
Other algorithms
Impact assessment
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In use

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Kwaliteitsmonitor, alleen toegankelijk voor gemeenten via beveiligde verbinding (gemnet en diginetwerk).

Responsible use

Goal and impact

The algorithm checks whether the data included in a person list meets the requirements of the BRP Logical Design in terms of the structure and content of the data (Structure and Domain checks). In addition, there are checks that verify whether the data comply with the legal requirements as contained, for example, in the BRP Act and the Civil Code (Logical Checks). With these, we identify possible discrepancies in the data included in the person list. We report discrepancies to municipalities. Municipalities are responsible for the quality and content of the recorded data and only they can change data (of their own residents). Results of the BCM run at the end of November each year are used by municipalities for the (legally required) BRP self-evaluation.


Deploying the algorithm saves time and money and monitors the quality of the BRP. Manually checking over 3,000 lines would be a very labour-intensive process for municipalities. Because we perform a pre-run, the chances of generating unjustified findings, which have a negative impact on citizens, are very low. Because we notify municipalities of discrepancies and they correct incorrect data, the positive impact on citizens is high.

Human intervention

Prior to each control run, we first perform a pre-run that we assess for correctness. If a control rule (also) generates unjustified findings, we adjust this rule or take it (temporarily) out of production. We also assess the final run prior to publication. In exceptional cases, if a particular control rule still generates unjustified findings, we can filter out the data from this control prior to publication.

Risk management

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Legal basis

Section 4.3 BRP Act and Section 47 BRP Decree: 'The performance of these investigations shall be carried out using an evaluation tool provided by our minister'. That evaluation tool is the quality monitor and the BCM is part of it.




Technical design

The checks (over 3,000) are included in an Excel sheet that the BCM uses when checking. The checks are defined in accordance with section 3.1.1 Syntax of the condition rules in the BRP Logical Design. An employee of RvIG assesses the correctness of the output of a check. If it is approved, it is published in the Quality Monitor. Monthly, all municipalities in the Netherlands carry out a check and annually they do a separate check for the self-assessment BRP and the Registration of Non-Residents (RNI). Every time we change the BRP Logical Design and/or changes in the applicable laws and regulations, we check whether we need to add new checking rules and/or change existing ones. In addition, authorised buyers of BRP data and municipalities can also report discrepancies in personal records that the BMC does not yet check. These checks are added to the BCM as soon as possible if they are anomalies that can be checked. These are always errors that should be rectified by a municipality. The municipalities themselves are responsible for resolving errors in personal lists of their own residents.

External provider

National Authority for Identity Data

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