Please note: The algorithm descriptions in English have been automatically translated. Errors may have been introduced in this process. For the original descriptions, go to the Dutch version of the Algorithm Register.
Map it Out
- Publication category
- Other algorithms
- Impact assessment
- Field not filled in.
- Status
- In use
General information
- Space and Infrastructure
- Culture and Recreation
Begin date
Contact information
Link to publication website
Responsible use
Goal and impact
The MapitOut tool makes it possible to indicate - at the user's request - from a specific location (work, school) the range within a user's desired travel time by the desired means of transport. This can help orientate the user to, for example, a residential location.
Anyone with Internet access can use this tool. No distinction is made between users.
The user enters a location, the desired travel time and the means of transport. She can choose from different means of transport (public transport, car, bicycle, and walking). No neighbourhoods are excluded for any reason.
Human intervention
Every two weeks it is checked whether all data (e.g. public transport travel times) are still correct. Only the range is shown based on desired travel time and means of transport (outcome), there is no automated decision-making, prediction and or influence. Therefore, human supervision is not needed.
Risk management
The MapitOut tool is not risky. Data is only exchanged with other parties to the extent necessary to provide the requested service. The third party receives only the address, desired travel time and means of transport. It is not linked to a person. This data is used to make the web application work properly. A processing agreement has been concluded with the processor. The data is not processed outside the European Economic Area (EEA).No profiles are used and no automated decision-making in the sense of Article 22 AVG takes place. Finally, Google Analytics is set up in accordance with the manual of the Personal Data Authority (AP). The only risk is that within the desired travel time with the desired means of transport, you do not get an exact map of the right area. This is an average travel time. The privacy statement emphasises that it is not real-time, and that for real-time information you should look at other tools like 9292 or google maps.
The user enters an address (from work or school, for example) to see where one can live within a certain travel time from that address. The MapitOut tool then indicates the area one can reach within the specified criteria (maximum travel time and means of transport). Travel times are calculated from various data sources such as public transport travel schedules (see under data type).
Technical design
Architecture of the model
A rule-based algorithm that calculates where to get from a given location within a given time. The algorithm calculates this from a database of every road, bus and train station, stoplight, footpath, cycle path and so on, and using data from multiple sources such as public transport timetables.
Traveltime updates all data every fortnight, such as changes in timetables, routes. But it is not a real-time tool.
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- Field not filled in.
- Status
- In use