Indonesian Pensions Administration Foundation

About this organisation

The Indonesian Pensions Administration Foundation (SAIP) is an Independent Administrative Body (ZBO) under the Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations (BZK). The Board is formed by a Board of Directors, which is in charge of managing the foundation funds and awarding, calculating, paying and administering overseas pensions and benefits. Pursuant to SAIP's articles of association, the Board of Trustees is accountable to the Ministers of the Interior and Finance through the annual report.

SAIP has not only been the implementing organisation for the Indonesian Pensions of former civil servants and KNIL soldiers since 1956, as its name suggests, but over the years it also became the implementing organisation for many other overseas pensions and benefits.

As of 1 January 1967, the then Ministry of the Interior requested that the payment of New Guinea pensions be transferred from that ministry to SAIP. From 1968, the SAIP takes care of the payment of supplements on Surinamese, Antillean and Aruban pensions on behalf of deployed officials.

The SAIP also takes care of the implementation of the Surinamese Pensions Guarantee Act and the Rietkerk Benefit Act.

The SAIP also implements some schemes for one-off benefits, such as the benefits for former KNIL soldiers, the Japanese benefits on the basis of the so-called Yoshida-Stikker Accord and the peace treaty with Japan, as well as a compensation scheme for medical expenses on behalf of former KNIL soldiers in Surinam and the Netherlands Antilles.

Since 1 January 1996, all executive tasks in the field of overseas pensions and benefits, including the management of and provision of information from the relevant archives, have been vested in the SAIP. By decree of the Minister of the Interior and Kingdom Relations of 8 March 2005, an arrangement was made whereby the SAIP not only has the power to take decisions in the context of overseas pensions and benefits, as listed in an annex to the said decree, but by this decree was also given the power to decide on objections and appeal, appeal or cassation, or to decide to refrain from doing so. The handling of policy matters and correspondence with individuals have also been transferred to the SAIP.

The SAIP has not had its own administrative machinery since 1 January 1976. Of all the tasks entrusted to SAIP by law or agreement, the performance of administrative work has been entrusted to Stichting Pensioenfonds ABP under an agreement concluded by the Board of Directors with that pension fund. ABP has subsequently entrusted the performance of these activities to APG.

The SAIP does not use algorithms.

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