
About this organisation

Dutch horticulture is at the top globally. At home and abroad, our country is praised for the quality of its planting material. Horticultural entrepreneurs ensure new varieties and reliable and healthy propagating material such as seeds, cuttings and young plants.

Naktuinbouw examines varieties, tests and inspects plant material on behalf of the government and tests and analyses for diseases and pests. This enables horticultural entrepreneurs to trade their plant material healthily all over the world. And so we contribute to the global food supply, among other things. Naktuinbouw is a Knowledge and Expertise Centre: together with companies, organisations and governments - national and international - we share knowledge to learn and innovate.

Naktuinbouw is an independent administrative body and is supervised by the Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality.

Naktuinbouw does not currently use impactful algorithms. We are, however, in a process to start working in a data-driven way, which first involves cleaning the available data. As soon as the first algorithm emerges, it will be published here.

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