Please note: The algorithm descriptions in English have been automatically translated. Errors may have been introduced in this process. For the original descriptions, go to the Dutch version of the Algorithm Register.

Nitrous oxide emission reduction RWZI Amsterdam-West

To reduce nitrous oxide emissions, the Amstel, Gooi and Vecht Water Board has implemented an AI control agent on one of the seven streets of RWZI Amsterdam West. The control agent is trained to control the process of aerating the sewage water in such a way as to reduce nitrous oxide emissions.

Last change on 6th of March 2025, at 13:03 (CET) | Publication Standard 1.0
Publication category
Other algorithms
Impact assessment
Field not filled in.
In use

General information


Nature and Environment

Begin date


Contact information

Responsible use

Goal and impact

Nitrous oxide is a strong greenhouse gas. Nitrous oxide emissions from sewage treatment plants account for a large part of the climate impact of water boards. The purpose of this algorithm is to reduce nitrous oxide emissions from RWZI Amsterdam West. Using this algorithm on one of the seven streets of RWZI Amsterdam West will reduce nitrous oxide emissions.


The benefits of this algorithm is to significantly reduce nitrous oxide emissions.


  • Reduce nitrous oxide emision

Human intervention

  • The algorithm is activated, deactivated and controlled by the company executives.
  • The training data is carefully selected and reviewed by in-house experts.

Risk management

  • The algorithm is bounded by the business operators.
  • The operation of the algorithm is assessed by a human



Sensor data including nitrous oxide, oxygen, ammonium and nitrate concentrations and water and air flow rates

External provider

Internally developed

Similar algorithm description

  • Real-time algorithm that continuously determines the amount of water (the water flow rate) routed to each of the 7 streets of sewage treatment plant RWZI Amsterdam-West.

    Last change on 6th of March 2025, at 10:53 (CET) | Publication Standard 1.0
    Publication category
    Other algorithms
    Impact assessment
    Field not filled in.
    In use