Please note: The algorithm descriptions in English have been automatically translated. Errors may have been introduced in this process. For the original descriptions, go to the Dutch version of the Algorithm Register.

Dashboard closures

Data analysis for insight and overview of administrative measure closures

Last change on 13th of December 2024, at 10:42 (CET) | Publication Standard 1.0
Publication category
Impactful algorithms
Impact assessment
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In use

General information


Public Order and Safety

Begin date


Contact information

Link to publication website

Responsible use

Goal and impact

With the closures dashboard, we provide insight and overview of cases where the administrative measure of a closure can be applied. The dashboard provides management figures at city , district, street and premises level. For example, it can provide an overview of

  • the number of open and closed dossiers
  • the results of the dossiers
  • the type of measure
  • the (average) processing times
  • the different types of grounds
  • the types of premises eligible for closure
  • the legal bases on which the decision can be taken
  • the data quality of files

This allows the municipality to monitor the process and improve it where necessary.


  • Efficiency and speed: large amounts of data are analysed automatically, providing quick reports with up-to-date and relevant information (trends and patterns that would be difficult to spot manually).
  • Consistency and objectivity: the dashboard provides a consistent way to analyse and present records and related data. This reduces the risk of human error or subjective interpretations.
  • Insight into process improvement: by automatically displaying processing times, handling and data quality, we can quickly identify bottlenecks. This helps the municipality to implement targeted improvement actions and make the process more efficient.
  • Data integration: the dashboard can bring together data from different process components, giving a complete and integrated view of the files.

Human intervention

Coordinators and staff use the outcomes of the dashboard to understand the systemic reality of the process. With the dashboard's data visualisations, they can check whether the current policy is being applied appropriately and whether there are any notable trends. This can relate to specific city districts, properties, leads or periods that deviate or stand out in the figures. Based on these analyses, staff can make adjustments and adjustments to improve the process if necessary.

Risk management

  • Uses only necessary data (only what is also entered in the case systems);
  • Data visualisations are restricted by personal authorisation by role/function (only accessible to people who are also allowed in the case systems);
  • Content consideration is a human consideration (human in control);
  • There is an impact test (DPIA) of the Datawarehouse OOV;
  • The dashboard also shows the data quality of the files in the case systems in which registration is made

Legal basis

Mayors have the legal power to close a premises if necessary to restore public order. With an administrative report, the police inform the mayor of these cases.

A closure happens, for example, after a premises is affected by external violence, or following the discovery of drugs. There are also other circumstances that can lead to a closure. A closure of a premises serves several purposes: termination of the offence, a period of recovery and calm, and signal effect. A closure is a premises-oriented measure and not directed against the stakeholder.

Before the mayor decides on closure, we ask interested parties for their views. For emergency closures, this is done by phone. For regular closures, this is usually done by e-mail.

In principle, houses are closed for three months. Other premises are in principle closed for six months. In the meantime, the interested party can apply for reopening in both cases.

Links to legal bases

  • Beleidsregels sluitingen en heropeningen Amsterdam:
  • Artikel 4:81 van de Algemene wet bestuursrecht :
  • Artikel 13b van de Opiumwet :
  • Artikelen 172, derde lid, 174a en 175 van de Gemeentewet :
  • Artikel 2.10 van de Algemene Plaatselijke Verordening 2008 :

Link to Processing Index Onder 1.6.4

Elaboration on impact assessments

DPIA is planned




  • Address data;
  • Case data;

Source name:

*Decos (case system in which records are recorded)

Data collected by:

*Datawarehouse OOV

Technical design

The data from the case systems in which closure files are registered enter the OOV data warehouse and are displayed in a dashboard. Here, they are displayed, for example, by selected time frame according to result, cause, district, processing time, type of premises and the legal basis of the decision.

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